Sweet Adelines International: sweetadelines.com/ |
SAI - Spirit of the Midwest, Region 5: www.sairegion5.org/ |
SAI - North Atlantic, Region 1:
www.sai-region1.org/ |
SAI - Border Lakes, Region 2:
www.sweetadelinesregion2.org/ |
SAI - Midwest Harmony, Region 3:
region3sweetadelines.org/ |
SAI - Harmony Heartland, Region 4:
sai-region4.org/ |
SAI - Northern Lights, Region 6:
https://www.regionsix.org/ |
SAI - Rocky Mountain, Region 8:
www.rmr8.org/ |
SAI - Coastal Harmony, Region 9:
coastalharmony.org/ |
SAI - Great Gulf Coast, Region 10:
www.region10sai.org/ |
SAI - Sequoia Pacifica, Region 11:
www.sairegion11.org/ |
SAI - Pacific Shores, Region 12:
www.sairegion12.org/ |
SAI - North by Northwest, Region 13:
sairegion13.org/ |
SAI - Heart of the Blue Ridge, Region 14:
www.sairegion14.org/ |
SAI - Greater NY/NJ, Region 15:
sairegion15.org/ |
SAI - Lake Ontario, Region 16:
www.saregion16.com/ |
SAI - Great Lakes Harmony, Region 17:
region17online.org/ |
SAI - Atlantic Bay-Mountain, Region 19:
www.region19sai.org/ |
SAI - Golden West, Region 21:
region21.org/ |
SAI - Heart of America, Region 25:
www.sai25.org/ |
SAI - Canadian Maple Leaf, Region 26:
www.region26.ca/ |
SAI - Quartet of Nations, Region 31:
sweetadelines.org.uk/ |
SAI - Nordic Light, Region 32:
nordiclightregion.com/ |
SAI - Sweet Adelines of Australia, Region 34:
www.sweetadelines.org.au/ |
SAI - Sweet Adelines New Zealand, Region 35:
sweetadelines.co.nz/ |
Barbershop Harmony Society:
www.barbershop.org/ |
SAI Pitch Pipe Magazine:
sweetadelines.com/pitchpipemagazine If you want to stay informed of all the happenings in the female barbershop music scene, subscribe to the Pitch Pipe! This magazine is put out by Sweet Adelines International each quarter. It's full of news, reviews, and previews of coming events and competitions. Check it out today! |